This post is long overdue. In fact I planned to have it published for St. Patrick’s day hoping some of my readers will be inspired to make similar cakes. Things however do not always pan out the way we plan. I hope to remember to bring this post to the front next year around St. Patrick’s day. Meanwhile if you are into all things Irish, you may like my idea of making a cake in form of a shamrock.
A friend of mine has asked me to bake a cake for her daughter’s birthday. My friend’s daughter was whose birthday coincides with St. Patrick’s Day. I decided to bake a cake that will look like a four leaf shamrock.
A lucky shamrock cake can be very easily done using a small heart cake pan. If you have a set of three heart cake pans for a tier cake- use the smallest one.
You will need to bake four heart shape cakes, then turn them round so all the bottom of each hear almost touch each other.. The stem part can be baked in a simple rectangular bread pan.